AMarkets App

AMarkets App

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What to do if the chart is not displayed and the window “No connection” pops up?

By default, charts are displayed for a Standard Instant account. If you have a different type of account, then you need to open a chart for the instrument with the appropriate suffix.

For example, the chart is open for COCOA, and you are authorized on the Fixed account. Then you need to find the COCOAc symbol in the list of instruments and open a chart for it.

Suffixes for FX instruments:

  • Suffix «с» on Fixed and Fixed Islamic accounts, e.g. COCOAc
  • Suffix «b» on ECN accounts, e.g. COCOAb
  • Suffix «d» on Standard Market accounts, e.g. COCOAd
  • There’s no suffix on Standard and Standard Islamic accounts, e.g. COCOA
  • Suffixes for CFD instruments:
  • Suffix «b» on all account types, e.g. COCOAb
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