AMarkets App

AMarkets App

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How is a strategy’s ranking on the Leaderboard determined?

The “Leaderboard” indicates a Strategy’s performance and is scored from 0 to 100. It’s calculated based on various trading indicators, visible on the Leaderboard and Strategy statistics page.

Key factors influencing the Strategy’s position on the “Leaderboard” include:

  • Return over different periods (365, 80, 90, 60, and 7 days);
  • Maximum drawdown over specific periods (365 and 90 days);
  • Ratio of profitable to unprofitable positions over 90 days;
  • Profit factor: ratio of profits to losses over 90 days;
  • Number of active weeks (weeks with at least one closed trade);
  • Number of closed positions over certain periods (90, 30, 7 days).
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