AMarkets App

AMarkets App

The best trading app

ratings of app

Premium Trade Service

Enjoy premium service and benefits
of GOLD status


Personal manager

Personalized support tailored
to your individual needs


Priority service

Expedited processing
of customer requests


Individual consultation

with the company’s
Chief Market Analyst


Better trading

and an exclusive bonus program


Premium analysis

Profitable & accurate signals
for key trading instruments


Unique design

of your Personal area
and mobile app interface

How to earn and keep Gold status?

To attain Gold status:

  1. You must have ≥ $20,000/ €20,000 equity in your accounts;
  2. Total trading turnover must be ≥ 150 lots;
  3. Gold status is granted for 180 days.

To retain and extend your Gold status:

  1. Total equity in your accounts must be ≥ $20,000/ €20,000 at the moment of verification*;
  2. Total trading turnover ≥ 75 lots.
*Gold status is verified and extended on the 180th day after Gold status was granted or last renewed.