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Personal data security tips

Accelerating growth of digital services driven by the global situation has contributed to the rapid spread of fraudulent activity and phishing attacks. Digital fraudsters often impersonate company employees to steal personal data or login credentials.

AMarkets values every client and strives to ensure maximum data security. To avoid becoming a victim of fraud, please familiarise yourself with the information below:


Interactions between clients and company specialists take place only through official communication channels, which can be viewed in the Contacts section on the company’s website. Welcome letters and marketing emails sent to clients after registering a trading account also contain the company’s contact information.


Confidentiality. Under no circumstances the AMarkets employees will ask you to provide a full credit card number, CVC and CVV codes, access codes to online banking or verification codes to confirm any transactions, passwords to trading accounts and Personal area, and other confidential information.

Links to external resources

Links to external resources. AMarkets employees do not send links to external resources to fund a trading account. The company’s policy does not allow p2p payments (money transfers between individuals). The link can only lead a client to the corresponding page of their Personal area.


Phishing is the distribution of emails/messages in instant messengers or social networks that contain malicious links or files aimed at stealing your personal information. The company’s specialists can share links to third-party websites in their messages, only if this is a secure link that will take you to a news portal or a promotion landing page. To avoid becoming a victim of a phishing attack, please observe the following rules:

Check the URL for spelling and grammatical errors (missing characters, additional special characters, Latin letters replaced with the Cyrillic letters, etc.). An example of a working domain name – An example of a domain name scam – “”.

Keep your operating system and antivirus software up to date. Make sure you always use the latest versions. Regularly scan your device for viruses.

Avoid using public WiFi networks to access online and mobile banking, as well as other financial services.


What to do if you’ve been scammed
or suspect fraud?

  • If you receive a message containing signs of a scam described above, please take a screenshot and save your contact information. Then block a sender and send the information to notify AMarkets’ customer support.
  • If someone calls you, introducing themselves as an AMarkets employee and asks to provide your full credit card number, SMS code, access code to online banking, verification codes to confirm a transaction or passwords, you must immediately end the conversation, hang up, block the number and inform AMarkets’ customer support service.
  • If you suspect that fraudsters have managed to gain access to your account, immediately change your password and report fraud to AMarkets’ customer support.
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