AMarkets App

AMarkets App

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What referral tools does AMarkets offer to attract new clients?

AMarkets provides all modern Internet marketing tools to refer clients:

  1. Referral links contain all the necessary information about the client for their automatic transfer to the partner group immediately after account registration, as well as for displaying detailed statistics in the Partner area. The client’s referral information (cookies) does not expire and is stored until deleted by the user himself.
  2. Banner and widgets – graphic elements that contain the Partner’s referral link.
  3. Promo Codes – a unique parameter that is provided to each Partner immediately after registration. It is an integral part of the referral link and is used as a separate tool to attract clients for account registration. The promotional code can provide access to additional services and offers.
  4. Meta-tags (website verification) – a label that is embedded in the HTML code of the main page of the website to determine if it belongs to a particular Partner. This makes it possible to transfer clients to a partner group without using referral links and excludes the possibility of mixing with other partners, ensuring that all customers who have transferred from the Partner’s site to AMarkets’ site are assigned correctly.
  5. Landing pages allow you to focus the clients’ attention on certain products of the company for more effective sales. They contain registration forms with an embedded promotional code of a partner, which allows registering clients without using any additional partner tags.
  6. RSS-feed allows automatic posting of the news, analytics, company share prices and other information on your website.


Details about our marketing tools can be found in the Partner Tools section of our partner portal.